Department Activities

Biology Week

Biology Week is an annual celebration of the Department of Biology held every October. Originally done every third week of August, it commemorates the establishment of the department as an independent academic unit of the College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. The week-long affair aims to promote the interest in the biological sciences and to highlight its role in health, technology, and environmental awareness. Activities include exhibits, seminars, symposia, film showing, quiz contest, and variety show among others.

BioWeek 2019 (THROUGH THE LENS: A Closer Look into the Importance of Microbes in Health, Environment, Industry, and Research!)

BioWeek 2018 (PAMANA: Reinvigorating Philippine Natural History Studies)

BioWeek 2017 (IT'S MORE FUN WITH HAYNAYAN: The State of Philippine Biotourism)


Faculty-Student Kapihan

The “Kapihan” serves as a venue through which Biology majors of different year levels get to know the department faculty and their peers better. It aims to provide in-depth information on the program and updates on current activities of the department. The faculty is given first-hand account of the students’ feedback in academic matters. The faculty and the students are allowed a “no-holds barred” discussion on issues and concerns. It is hoped that the dialogue would further foster camaraderie among the students and faculty.