This study sought to understand the nature of sumpong and tampo across opposite-sex
and same-sex Filipino romantic relationships. It focused on the behavioral manifestations,
affecting social forces, underlying motives and reasons, processes and its implications to Filipino
romantic couples. Phenomenology was both used as a method of inquiry and theoretical
approach. A purposive and snowballing sampling method was also utilized to find all 8 couple
In summary, sumpong and tampo are Filipino psycho-social attitudes applicable in
various interpersonal relationships characterized by emotional attachment. Results of the study
found out that there is little to almost no difference in the nature of sumpong and tampo between
Filipino opposite-sex and same-sex relations. Thus, they are mainly influenced by individual
differences rather than of sexual orientation. Significantly, this finding supports the advocacy for
gender rights and treatment for both cross-sex and same-sex relationships. Successfully resolved
sumpong and tampo lead deeper interpersonal understanding; hence, strengthening relationships.
Unresolved feelings of tampo and sumpong, on the other hand, can result to further conflicts
which may later on cause the weakening of romantic relationships.