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Perception of Christian Filipinos of Muslim Women’s Rights and the Reasons For It

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dc.contributor.author Tawano, Bae Haina B.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-06T02:17:33Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-06T02:17:33Z
dc.date.issued 2005-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2833
dc.description.abstract From this study the researcher found out that Christian Filipinos perceive Muslim women as being tied with traditional and conservative practices and ways. These conservative ways include the perception that they are confined with their father’s guide and approval as a child up until their husbands takes over. They live in the shadow of their father or male relatives. With regards to getting an education, Muslim women appeared to be seen as having less chance of acquiring an education. Moreover, this thinking is thought because Islam considers women to be better to stay at home. Furthermore, that they are advised to stay at home and to become better daughter and later on to become a better wife. In the issue regarding marriage, Muslim women are perceived to enter a marriage to which they do not want. Also, that marriage is dictated by their father. The mahr (or dowry as all of the respondents call it) that is given to the bride as a gift was perceived as a payment to the marriage that will take place. As a mother, they are perceived as having little role in the house and decision. Christian Filipinos have underlying reasons for having such perception. Agents of socialization have influenced them to perceive Muslim women as discussed earlier. This includes the vital role of family, school and the media. Moreover, many from the respondents said that aside from the influence of the agents of socialization, their personal experience confirmed their thinking of Muslim women. Also both for those who have and do not have personal experience, their general fear/bias of Muslims in general also allowed them to conclude easily that perhaps “they (referring to Muslims in general) allow such treatment of women”. With regard to the lesson learned, it is very clear that although the reasons presented has caused Christian Filipinos to develop a negative perception towards Muslim women, it is also through the given reasons that these negative perception can be lessened or corrected. Since after knowing that personal experience is one of the primary reasons, the effort should come first from the Muslims themselves. They should stand up as an example and not confuse the Christians of the Islamic teaching. More importantly, after all it is for the enjoyment of Muslim women of their rights in Islam. After this, agents of socialization can be of great help to make Christian Filipinos know the Muslims way and appreciate them (especially because the two groups are differentiated). The researcher thinks that it is important for Christian Filipinos (actually for the both group) to free themselves from assumptions or doubts that they have. This is primarily because conflicts start from this stage. Also, the researcher thinks that it is better if the two have a better understanding of each other. Again, in the Philippines, Christians and Muslims have no choice. However to be able to have good environment, the two groups must have at least an understanding of each others way of life. en_US
dc.subject Christian Filipinos
dc.subject Muslim Women
dc.subject Traditional practices
dc.subject Perception
dc.title Perception of Christian Filipinos of Muslim Women’s Rights and the Reasons For It en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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