Project MODEX is the name of COMELEC’s modernization project. It was
conceptualized in 1992, during the incumbency of COMELEC Chairman Christian
Monsod. While it was supposed to be a six-year plan, the Project still hasn’t achieved
its goal of providing for a modernized elections system fourteen years after
In this light, this research endeavored to find out what Project MODEX is, its
effects on the country, and why it has seemed to be an apparent failure.
Project MODEX in a nutshell aims to speed up the counting and canvassing
of votes in the country and to minimize the errors due to human intervention in both
the counting and canvassing stages
The framework of analysis for the study will delve on the concept of praxis.
Praxis' closest translation is “practice”, although it is on a different level. Praxis seeks
not only to interpret reality, but rather, to change it. Praxis derives its origins from
Marxist philosophy, which basically means the combination of theory and practice to
initiate major changes.
Books, papers, and interviews with key informants were the main sources of
information in the research. De rigueur authorities like COMELEC Commissioner
Ressurreccion Borra, NAMFREL Secretary-General Guillermo Luz, and NAMFREL
Quick Count Operations Head Augusto Lagman were interviewed and consulted. The history of Philippine elections is traced in this research, with a special
focus on the history of the COMELEC’s modernization effort. The facts
surrounding Project MODEX are also discussed thoroughly.
In this research, the several reasons that the researcher perceives to be the
cause of the Project’s failure are listed. The effects of this failure are also studied and
pondered upon. The positive effects that the modernization project had it been
successful are also examined.
In the hope to remedy the problems of the COMELEC and to achieve the
positive effects that modernization could bring, several proposals are also raised in
this research, all in the hope of wanting to help achieve elections that are fair, free,
orderly, and honest.