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Strengthening the Role of Law Enforcement as a Pillar of the Criminal Justice System

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dc.contributor.author Bautista Jr., Raymundo B.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-20T01:01:50Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-20T01:01:50Z
dc.date.issued 2004
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2882
dc.description.abstract The people look up at law enforcement as their shield to serve and protect the society from the ills men intentionally or unintentionally commit to one another. No wonder that the symbol for law enforcement around the world is a shield or what we commonly call the badge’. The emblem of the Philippine National Police is our native version of “kalasag” represented by our concept of Lapu-lapu’s shield even though there’s doubt whether the first native defender from foreign occupation ever used one. You see, the “kampilan®” used by Lapu-lapu was so heavy that it may require the use of both hands’. But the symbol is not lost as it is a part of the battle gear of our native warriors and the emblem serves symbolical and ceremonial value. The study found out that there’s a high regard to the PNP among the communities in the 3rd Congressional District. The people respects and recognizes the mandate of the PNP to uphold the rule of law and order in the society. More importantly, the people gave positive remarks on how the law enforcement agency conducts its roles and showed active participation with its programs. These only show that law enforcement is effective. The study also found out that the communities have a healthy relationship with law enforcement consistently seeking their help in resolving crime situations and disorder. The communities also welcome the presence of resident policemen in their communities as a good addition in determining crime. The mere presence of policemen in their communities is an addition to the goal of each police station to establish police visibility in their area of responsibility. en_US
dc.subject Law Enforcement en_US
dc.subject Criminal Justice System en_US
dc.subject Philippine National Police en_US
dc.subject Healthy Relationship en_US
dc.subject Crime Resolution en_US
dc.subject Community Participation en_US
dc.title Strengthening the Role of Law Enforcement as a Pillar of the Criminal Justice System en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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