Forensic Odontology Conference (May 29-30, 2021)

We welcome everyone to the 5th International eConference scheduled in the month of May, 2021.
To register, go to this link:
Forensic Odontology is well-defined as the application of dental science to the administration of the justice system. This field is expanding every possible angle to contribute to forensic science for investigation and identification purposes in numerous cases. The speaker’s talk is entirely focused on the widely spread perspective of forensic odontology and its importance in the current scenario.
The participants can share their valuable knowledge in the form of presenting e-poster and paper at our conference which will be scrutinized by our esteemed jury based on their knowledge and presentation skills. The appearances of e-poster and paper would be duly acknowledged and should stay parallel to the theme of the conference i.e. Forensic Odontology. The best paper will be published in our Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences and as a token of appreciation, the participants will be awarded scientific excellence awards.
The Conference is in Association with the following:

Speakers for the Forensic Odontology Conference:

Topics Presented by Each Speaker:

More information can be found here: !
We hope to see you there!