OIL Virtual Internationalization Roadshow: Harnessing Linkage Opportunities for Knowledge Advancement (HALIKA!)

This coming July 22, 2022 from 9:30AM – 12:00NN, the Office of International Linkages will hold its first Internationalization Roadshow with the program theme: HALIKA! (Harnessing Linkage Opportunities for Knowledge Advancement), to promote the University’s internationalization programs to UP students, alumni, faculty, and academic staff.
Drawing inspiration from the Tagalog word, “halika”, the event is envisioned to be a meaningful mechanism to invite the members of the UP Community to actively engage in internationalization activities of the University by providing pertinent information on available scholarship opportunities from partner universities and academic networks, as well as the available UP-funded scholarships and grants administered by UP OIL.
In line with this, we would like to respectfully invite our IRO officers and administrative staff in all our constituent universities to join in this event. We would like to request as well that this be widely disseminated in the official communication channels of our constituent universities so that many UP students and faculty can benefit from participating in the said event.
To join the event, kindly register through this link: https://bit.ly/OIL-Halika_Registration
For further inquiries regarding the program, we are attaching the Program’s Concept Note for your reference. You may also reach the HALIKA Program Secretariat Head, Mr. Guillian M. Mecate through oil@up.edu.ph for other concerns.