The College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee Benchmarking Trip to Three Thai Universities
The College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advisory Committee (CAS AAC) embarked on a benchmarking trip to three leading universities in Bangkok, Thailand last August 8-12, 2023. The AAC team, which included Dean Maria Constancia Carrillo, Dr. Mary Dorothy Jose (Associate Dean for Academic Affairs); Asst. Prof. Ignatius Vinzons (Associate Dean for Planning and Development); Asst. Prof. John Guiller Realin (College Secretary); Asst. Prof. Alice Adeva (Chair, Dept. of Arts and Communication); Dr. Jay Dalet (Chair, Dept. of Biology); Dr. Dindo Café (Chair, Dept. of Behavioral Sciences); Mr. Lorenzo David (Chair, Dept. of Physical Education); Dr. Marie Josephine de Luna (Chair, Department of Physical Sciences Mathematics); Asst. Prof. Ruth Shane Legaspi (Chair, Dept. of Social Sciences); and Ms. Carlota Surat (Administrative Officer), visited the Faculty of Arts at Chulalongkorn University, the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Thammasat University, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Mahidol University.
The visit aimed to benchmark the host universities’ best practices in teaching, research, public service, and administration, that CAS can adopt in order to further enhance the quality education that it provides to its students, as well as to strengthen quality assurance practices in the College.
At Chulalongkorn University, the CAS AAC met with executives from the Faculty of Arts led by Asst. Prof. Nirada Chitrakara (Associate Dean for International Affairs), while Asst. Professor Passapong Sripicharn, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Thammasat University and Dean Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University, along with her Associate Deans, welcomed the CAS team. In addition to benchmarking, multiple areas of collaboration were explored between CAS and the three universities, in terms of linkages for teaching and research, as well as the development of joint programs.
Also part of the itinerary was a courtesy visit to the Philippine Embassy in Thailand where the CAS AAC was welcomed by Vice Consul Susan Sabado.