Nomination and application for the 2024 CAS Special Awards are now OPEN
encasaljayComment Closed

Special awards for outstanding performance in various categories shall be awarded to graduating students in the College of Arts and Sciences during the 2024 CAS Recognition Program. The Special Awards categories are as follows:
Outstanding Student
Outstanding Student Leader
Outstanding Student Artist
Outstanding Student Researcher
Outstanding Student Athlete
Special Award for Research in Gender Studies
Any UPM – CAS employee or student may nominate a graduating student for the special awards. To be considered for the award, nominees should fulfill award-specific criteria as well as the following general criteria:
1. Students must be certified by OCS as graduating during the SY 2023-2024.
2. Certification that students have not been charged with any disciplinary action/conduct unbecoming/fraudulent activities by the university or elsewhere.
3. Make sure all your necessary credentials/proofs are in a singular PDF file for each category submission.
4. File Format Name for the submission should be as follows: CATEGORY APPLIED FOR (Abbr.)_DEGREE PROGRAM_SURNAME_INITIAL OF FIRST NAME (e.g. OSL_BS BIOCHEMISTRY_DELA CRUZ_J.).
Reckoning period for the special awards shall be for the entire duration of undergraduate studies of the student, up to the end of Second Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024.
Deadline for submission of applications with supporting documents is on June 21, 2024.
You may submit your applications thru this link:
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
The Special Awards Committee will evaluate all applications on June 24, 2024. Committee decisions are final and executory.
For more information, you may check the images below.
We look forward to your applications, and good luck!