Jul 05

PUBLISHED: “Characterization of selected additive manufacturing materials for synchrotron monochromatic imaging and broad-beam radiotherapy at the Australian synchrotron-imaging and medical beamline” by Asst. Prof. Bustillo and colleagues

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Congratulations to Assistant Professor John Paul O. Bustillo, MS of the Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM) and his colleagues, on the publication of their research work entitled, “Characterization of selected additive manufacturing materials for synchrotron monochromatic imaging and broad-beam radiotherapy at the Australian synchrotron-imaging and medical beamline”. His collaborative work with his colleagues […]

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Jul 05

CAS holds its annual capacity building training in Batangas

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The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) held its annual capacity building training themed “Professionalism in the Workplace” last June 26–28 in Lobo, Batangas, with the administrative officers and staff of the different offices of the college participating. Deviating from their usual work routine, members of the administrative staff personnel were in for a treat […]

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