Apr 26

UPM CAS forges partnership with Medical Physicists Society

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The University of the Philippines Manila (UPM) and the Society of Medical Physicists in the Republic of the Philippines (SMPRP) formally signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) last April 25, 2024.   The MOU signifies a partnership between the two institutions with a unified aim of developing academic and scientific cooperation, as well as enhancing […]

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Apr 15

MSU-IIT visits UP Manila CAS for BS Biochemistry benchmarking

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The University of the Philippines Manila College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) warmly welcomed the representatives of the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) during their benchmarking visit last March 13, 2024. The benchmarking activity had the goal of providing the visiting university with meaningful insights that may help them in establishing the first […]

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Apr 08

Inje University Representatives Visit the College of Arts and Sciences

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The College of Arts and Sciences welcomed the representatives from the Inje University Busan Paik Hospital. They visited the College and hosted a symposium at the Department of Biology (DB) on March 20, 2024. The visit aimed to exchange insights into ongoing research initiatives and present opportunities for postgraduate studies at their institution. Faculty members […]

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Apr 02

CAS joins the Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED)

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The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), University of the Philippines (UP) Manila joined the  Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) for the first quarter of 2024 as directed and led by the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management for Health (DRRM-H) Program team of the UP Manila Healthy University Office (HUO) held Monday last week, March […]

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Mar 25

UPM CAS faculty members and staff receive practical training on CPR

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A Mass Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training was conducted on March 20, 2024 at the University of the Philippines (UP) Manila, College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) as part of a series of mass CPR training sessions to be held throughout the year for the UP Manila community.   The activity is keeping with UP Manila […]

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Jan 11

UPM CAS partners with IIKM in upcoming 7th Global Public Health Conference

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This coming February 22nd and 23rd in 2024. The International Institute of Knowledge Management (IIKM), in an exciting partnership with the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines, Manila, is delighted to announce the highly anticipated 7th Global Public Health Conference in 2024! A theme: “Empowering Communities: […]

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