Mar 27

PUBLISHED: “Glaucoma Classification Using Deep Learning” by Dr. Magboo & Assoc. Prof. Magboo

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Congratulations to Professor Vincent Peter C. Magboo and Associate Professor Ma. Sheila A. Magboo of the Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM) on the publication of their research entitled “Glaucoma Classification Using Deep Learning” in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE). We are very proud of your […]

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Mar 25

DB and DBS Faculties gets recognition, became Honorary Members of IAMLE

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Congratulations Dr. Jay T. Dalet and Dr. Ma. Teresa G. De Guzman of the Department of Biology – CAS, UP Manila and Department of Behavioral Sciences, CAS-UPManila in your recognition! Dr. Dalet and Dr. De Guzman received their recognition for being keynote speakers during the International Conference on Trends in Forensics, Law and Criminology Empowering Criminal […]

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Mar 22

PUBLISHED: “Spectrotemporal characterization of photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals and their energy transfer to dyes” by AD Robidillo, co-workers

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We would like to congratulate Associate Professor Christopher Jay T. Robidillo, faculty of the Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM) and the Associate Dean for Research and Public Services of CAS, and his co-workers on the publication of their research work!   Their collaborative work entitled “Spectrotemporal characterization of photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals and their […]

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Mar 22

PUBLISHED: “Neural Network-based Search for Cox-2 Active Ligands from Coxib-like and Similar compounds” by Asst. Prof. Billones and Prof. Gonzaga

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Congratulations to Assistant Professor Liza T. Billones and Professor Alex C. Gonzaga of the Department of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM) on the publication of their research entitled “Neural Network-based Search for Cox-2 Active Ligands from Coxib-like and Similar compounds” in the journal Pharmacophore. We are so proud of your work! To know more about […]

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