- Brief History
- Coordinators and Convenors
- Book Launching
- Lectures, Symposia, Round Table Discussions, Conferences, Meetings and Workshops organized & conducted
- Public Presentations of MSP Research Projects
- Externally Funded Research Projects
- MSP Funded Research
- Publications
- Bulletins and Newsletters
- MSP Occasional Papers
- MSP Situationers
- Special Issue
- Network and Linkages
Brief History
- 1988 – The Manila Studies Program (MSP) was approved by the University Council, UP Manila to address the need for specialized research on various aspects of Manila.
- 1989 – A brainchild of the late Prof. Alfredo T. Tiamson and with the participation of the faculty of the Department of Social Sciences, CAS-UP Manila, MSP was launched in June by holding its first Annual MSP Conference and three inaugural lectures. The Ermita Studies researches were also launched, funded by UP Manila.
- 1990 – Dr. Angela Sarile took over as acting Coordinator of the Program with the untimely death of Prof. Tiamson.
– Three Language Policy Conferences were held. The proceedings were subsequently prepared.
– In June, Dr. Adela Beringuela took over as the third Coordinator of MSP.
– Three researches were completed and two seminar-workshops were conducted.
– MSP published the papers presented in the First Annual MSP Conference into a book entitled, “The Manila Studies Program Inaugural Lectures.”
- 1992 – Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida became the fourth Coordinator of MSP
– The Program expanded and refocused its thrusts, concerns and scope from history, culture and arts, literature to urban development research, ecological waste management, health research, women’s studies, and policy studies.
– Dr. Rebullida initiated the research and extension networking of MSP through the MSP Inter-University Network (MSP-CASUPM), Center for Urban Policy Studies and Center for University Extension Services of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Social Development Research Center and Center for Social Concern and Action-La Sallian University Network for Social Advocacy [COSCA-LUNSAD] OF De La Salle University, and Integrated Community Extension Services of Adamson University), among others.
– MSP was part of the Membership in the City of Manila – UP Manila Coordinating Committee on the City of Manila Agenda.
– MSP facilitated research project development among the faculty of the CAS by conducting research capability building seminars for faculty development and preparation of research projects. - 1995 – Prof. Laurie S. Ramiro succeeded Dr. Rebullida as the fifth Convenor of MSP.
– In August, MSP became the Regional Studies Center for Manila of the UP System and begun to receive annual financial support (1 million pesos) from CIDS (Center for Integrative Development Studies) of UP Diliman. - 1998 – Prof. Roland G. Simbulan was appointed the sixth MSP Convenor.
– Under his leadership, MSP further expanded its concerns to the marginalized sector of the society – urban poor.
– MSP started publishing occasional papers, situationers, and special publications through the use of the Program’s basic desktop publishing tools.
– From UP Manila (1988) to UP CIDS-Diliman (1995), management of administration and financial matters were transferred back to MSP’s mother campus – UP Manila.
- 2001 – Prof. Bernard Leo M. Karganilla became the seventh MSP Convenor.
– He further expanded the Program’s cope by including topics on wartime Philippines, local history and urban development of Metro Manila. - 2004 – Dr. Celestina P. Boncan is the eighth MSP Convenor.
Coordinators and Convenors
Prof. Alfredo Tiamson – founder (1989)
Dr. Angela P. Sarile – January to June 1990
Dr. Adela Beringuela – June 1990 to May 1992
Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida – June 1992 to May 1995
Dr. Laurie S. Ramiro – June 1995 to December 1997
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan – January 1998 to December 2000
Dr. Celestina P. Boncan – February 2004 to 2006
Prof. Fatima Castillo –
Dr. Leonardo Estacio, Jr. –
Dr. Laurie S. Ramiro –
Book Launching
- MSP Colloquia Series I and Book Launching (The MSP Journal, Vol. I, Nos. 1-4)
December 12, 1991. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila - Miguel Malvar and the Philippine Revolution by Bernard Leo M. Karganilla and Doroteo Abaya.
Co-sponsored with Kaanak 1896, Malvar Foundation and UP Development Studies Society. November 27, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences. UP Manila. - Book Launching of “Ang Kasaysayan ng Quiapo, Ang Kasaysayan at Pakikibaka ng Uring Manggagawa sa Kamaynilaan” and “Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Adult Workers in Metro Manila”.
February 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - The Location of Pigafetta’s Mazaua, Butuan and Calagan, Angry Days in Mindanao and Caraga Antigua by Peter Schreurs, MSC.
Co-sponsored with the National Historical Institute, UP Manila Committee on National Issues, UP Manila Pi Sigma Delta Sorority, Area Studies Committee, and the Department of Social Sciences.
February 5, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - The Hidden Battle of Leyte.
Co-sponsored with LILA-PILIPINA.
June 2, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
Lectures, Symposia, Round Table Discussions, Conferences, Meetings and Workshops organized & conducted
- 1989
– The Manila Studies Program Inaugural Lectures.
First Annual MSP Conference.
Co-sponsored with the:
Philippine National Historical Society (PNHS)
Office of the Mayor-Manila, Intramuros Administration
Metro Manila Commission, Adamson University
National Historical Institute (NHI), Funds for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE), National Library
Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP)
Commonwealth Foods, Magnolia Products and Coca-Cola Philippines.
June 23-25, 1989. UP-PGH Science Hall, Ozanam Hall-Adamson University, Casa Manila Teatrillo-Intramuros.
– Topics
“Historical Dimensions” (June 23, 1989; UP-PGH Science Hall)
“The Centricity of Manila” (June 24, 1989; Ozanam Hall, Adamson University)
“Arts and Culture of Manila” (June 25, 1989; Casa Manila Teatrillo, Intramuros) - 1990
– Specialists’ Conference Workshop (First of the Language Policy Conference Series).
Co-sponsored with De La Salle University and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.
January 12-13, 1990. Center for Continuing Education, UP Los Baños.
– Academe Dialogues with CEOs on the National Language Policy.
May 9, 1990. The Manila Hotel.
– National Language Policy Conference.
June 22-23, 1990. De La Salle University. - 1992
– Understanding Leprosy.
February 26, 1992. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Humanities Research Workshop.
May 27-28, 1992. Villa Escudero
– Consultation Workshop for the Formulation of the MSP Action Plan for 1992-1993.
June 1992
– Participated in the preparation of the Common Agenda for the City of Manila and UP Manila that was presented to Mayor Alfredo Lim.
September 28, 1992 - 1993
– Achieving Urban Development in Manila: Environment, Health, Business.
Round Table Discussion.
Co-sponsored with
De La Salle University, Adamson University,
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila,
The Speaker-House of Representatives,
The Mayor-City of Manila, Public Affairs-Philippine Tourism Authority,
UP College of Medicine, Coca-cola Foundation,
Caltex (Phils.), Inc.
February 24-25, and March 1, 1993. De La Salle University, Adamson University, Office of the Chancellor-UP Manila.
– The Role of Communication for People Empowerment.
Co-sponsored with the Department of Arts and Communications, UP Manila.
November 11, 1993. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Research Capability Seminar-Workshops.
October to December 1993. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Management, Utilization and Commercialization of Inventions, Innovations, Researches and Development Outputs in UP.
Co-sponsored with Philippine Council for Health and Research Development (PCHRD) and Department of Physical Education, UPM.
May 5, 1994. College of Publica Health, UP Manila.
– Research and Capability Seminar-Workshops for the CAS Faculty.
October 21, 26, 29, November 11 and December 8, 1994. The College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Community Empowerment for Housing the Poor and Low Income Groups.
International conference with Participants from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Funded by ASEAN Canada Fund and CAS Foundation.
December 8-9, 1994. ISMED Auditorium, UP Diliman. - 1995
– Research Methodology and Proposal Development
October 23-28, 1995. UPMAS Alumni Hall, College of Medicine, UP Manila. - 1996
– MSP Week: March 11-15, 1996. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
Past and contemporary Focus on Binondo: A Photo Exhibit, CAS Lobby, UP Manila.
Binondo in Focus: A Symposium, March 12, 1996. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
Ang Katipunan sa Lalawigan ng Maynila. Dr. Isagani R. Medina and Prof. Cristina E. Torres (speakers). March 15, 1996. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Third International Conference for Quality of Life Research.
Co-sponsored with the International Society for Quality of Life (ISOQOL).
October 23-27, 1996. The Manila Hotel.
– 1996 MSP Seminar-Workshop on Research Methodology and Proposal Development.
December 9-13, 1996. Old NEDA Bldg., UP Manila. - 1998
– Social Research for the Development of People: An Alternative Paradigm.
MSP Turn-Over Program and First monthly Lecture Series. Prof. Lorna Z. Segovia (speaker).
January 26, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Towards a Nationalist and Pro-Poor Research Agenda for the Manila Studies Program.
MSP Turn-over Program and First Monthly Lecture Series. Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (speaker).
January 26, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Human Rights Situation in Manila.
Prof. Nymia P. Simbulan (speaker).
March 20, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The State of the Environment in Manila.
Prof. Raul E. Segovia (speaker).
March 2, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– 100 Years of the Workers’ Movement in Manila.
Prof. Raul E. Segovia (speaker).
March 2, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Seminar-workshop on Research Management and Methodologies.
May 18-19, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila
– Historical Bakground and Insights on the Founding of the Katipunan in Manila.
Centennial Lecture.
Prof. Ronald Mactal (lecturer).
July 7, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
On the occasion of the 106th founding anniversary of the Katipunan in Manila led by Andres Bonifacio.
– Ang Pangkalahatang Kalagayan ng Maralitang Tagalungsod sa Metro Manila: Sangdaang Taong Pakikibaka Para sa Makataong Pamumuhay.
Centennial Lecture.
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (lecturer).
July 7, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
On the occasion of the 106th founding anniversary of the Katipunan in Manila led by Andres Bonifacio.
– Peace Talks and the Alternative Development Program of the National Democratic Front.
Mr. Luis Jalandoni (speaker).
Co-sponsored with the Development Studies Program and the University Student Council of UP Manila.
July 17, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Speakers’ Training on the Visiting Forces Agreement(VFA) for the Koalisyon ng Progresibo at Makabayang Manggagawa.
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (speaker).
August 22, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and How it Adversely Affect Workers.
Briefing for the labor leaders of Ilaw at Buklod ng Manggagawa ng San Miguel, the Philippine Long Distance Line Union, the Union of Banks and the Philippine Air Lines Employees Association (PALEA).
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (speaker).
September 7, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Urbanization and Manila.
Ms. Liberty I. Nolasco (speaker).
September 11, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila - 1999
– Filipino-American War Celebration.
February 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Adult and Child Laborers in Metro Manila.
Prof. Jinky Leilanie Del Prado-Lu (speaker).
January 19, 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– MSP Seminar-Workshop on Research Management and Methodologies.
October 21-22, 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - 2000
– Manila in the 21st Century: A Discussion of Ideas, Issues and Concerns on Manila for the New Millennium.
February 29, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Towards A Marxist Analysis of the Philippine Revolution.
Round Table Discussion.
Prof. Danilo Aragon (speaker).
July 14, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Impact of the Liberalization of Banks in Manila.
Round Table Discussion.
Dr. Edberto M. Villegas (speaker).
July 19, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Kalagayang Pangkalusugan ng Kababaihang Manggagawa.
Co-sponsored with the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD).
July 28, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Enforcement of Environmental Laws: An Assessment.
Round Table Discussion.
Prof. Raul E. Segovia (speaker).
August 11, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The CIA in Manila.
Round Table Discussion.
August 18, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Martial Law and CIA Intervention in the Philippines.
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan(speaker).
Co-sponsored with Pre-Law Society and Development Studies Society.
September 22, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– How Erap Betrayed The Poor.
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (speaker).
Co-sponsored with Development Studies Program of CAS UPM and the UP Manila Coalition for the Urgent Resignation of ERAP (CURE).
November 15, 2000. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - 2001
– Isang Sulyap Sa Nakaraan ng Muntinlupa.
First Lecture Series-Symposium on the History of Muntinlupa.
March 7, 2001. Research Institute on Tropical Medicine, Muntinlupa City.
– Filipino and World War II: Victory and the Future.
April 26, 2001. Department of Tourism.
– First Meeting of the Datu Lapu-Lapu Descendants Association.
April 28, 2001. Manila Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila
– Meeting-Consultation with the City of Manila Councilors.
Co-sponsored with the College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila
– Victory Over Japan.
Co-sponsored with the:
Department of Tourism (DOT),
Veterans Federation of the Philippines(VFP),
Sons and Daughters of the Hunters ROTC, Inc (SDHRI)
Department of National Defense (DND).
August 15, 2001. Department of Tourism.
This symposium discussed the importance of the Philippines’ victory over Japan during World War II in the light of recent events. Invited speakers were Officers of the Hunters-ROTC, a guerilla unit who fearlessly fought against the Japanese invaders at the expense of their health and safety.
– Kuwentuhan ng mga Bayani: Isang Capehan sa VFP.
Co-sponsored with the:
Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP),
Department of Tourism (DOT)
Department of National Defense (DND).
August 16, 2001. VFP Compound.
– Kapihan sa VFP at Kuwentuhan sa mga Bayani.
Co-sponsored with the:
Sons and Daughters of Hunters-ROTC, Inc. (SDHRI),
Veterans Federation of the Philippines.
September 3, 6, and 20, 2001. VFP Compound.
– Balangiga Victory.
September 26-27, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Continuing Relevance of Our Victory.
October 3, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–First Lambat Liwanag Conference.
October 26, 2001. University of Santo Tomas
–Manila and Pearl Harbor: The 60th Anniversary of the Japanese Invasion of the Philippines During World War II.
Co-sponsored with the History Department of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines(PUP). December 4-6, 2001. Polytechnic University of the Philippines, College of Nursing, UPM, and VFP Compound.
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Japanese Invasion of the Philippines, MSP, together with the History Department of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines sponsored a symposium that detailed the series of events leading to World War II. - 2002
– Economic Nationalism and Buy Filipino Program.
January 30, 2002. College of Nursing, UP Manila.
–Battle, Liberation and Rape of Manila
Col. Emmanuel De Ocampo (speaker).
February 27, 2002, College of Nursing, UP Manila.
–Awit at Tula sa Kabayanihan.
March 9, 2002, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Bataan Press Conference.
April 8, 2002, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Scenarios of Philippine Future.
Symposium in celebration of the CAS Foundation Week
July 22-26, 2002. July 24, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Lambat Liwanag Conference on Sense of History and Sense of Mission.
July 27, 2002, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Victory at Pugad Lawin.
Co-sponsored with the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP).
August 31, 2002. VFP Compound.
– A Morning with a National Artist.
F. Sionil Jose (speaker).
September 5, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– World Cleanup Day 2002.
Co-sponsored with St. Paul College of Manila and Alliance of Leaders Among
the Youth-UP Manila Chapter.
September 18, 2002, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– An Afternoon with Sun Yat Sen.
Dir. Robert T.J. Shih (speaker).
October 2, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Small on the Outside, Big Inside: Jose Marti and the Cuban Revolution.
Ambassador Ramon Medina (speaker).
October 5, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Gandhi: Intellectual, Nationalistn and Hero.
Gauri Shankar Gupta (speaker).
October 9, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - 2003
– Justice and the Comfort Women.
February 5, 2003. College of nursing, UP Manila.
– Press Conference-cum-contest on Editorial and Features Writing and Quiz Bee. Theme: “Battle and Liberation of Manila.”
Co-sponsored with the:
City of Manila
Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP)
National Historical Institute (NHI)
February 18-19, 2003. VFP Compound.
– Lambat Liwanag Conference on Holistic Health.
Co-sponsored with the Lambat Liwanag Network of Centers for Empowering Paradigms.
March 27, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Press Conference-cum-Contest on Editorial and Features Writing and Quiz Bee.
Co-sponsored with the:
Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP)
National Historical Institute (NHI)
April 10 and 11, 2003. VFP Compound.
– Filipino Indigenous Healing Study Group.
Study group conceptualized and organized by the incumbent Vice Chancellor for Research Dr. Jaime Z. Galvez Tan to study the phenomenon of Filipino alternative healing practices in the Philippines. Prof. Bernard Leo M. Karganilla (convenor).
First meeting: April 21, 2003. National Institutes of Health, UP Manila.
– Kamalaysayan Symposium.
May 13, 2003. Manila Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Delivery of Health Services in China and the Philippines.
Co-sponsored with the:
Philippine Association for Chinese Studies
Chinese Studies Program-Ateneo de Manila University
Association for Philippine-China Understanding
KAISA Para sa Kaunlaran.
June 17, 2003. College of Public Health, UP Manila.
–Si Crisanto Evangelista at ang Kilusang Anakpawis sa Maynila.
Lecture-forum. Prof. Roland G. Simbulan (speaker). July 31, 2003. Social Hall, UP Manila.
– Press Conference-cum-Contest on Editorial and Features Writing and Quiz Bee.
Co-sponsored with the:
Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP)
National Historical Institute (NHI).
August 14 and 15, 2003. VFP Compound.
– Symposium on the Comfort Women.
Co-sponsored with LILA-PILIPINA.
Manila Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Si Crisanto Evangelista at Amado V. Hernandez.
Prof. Amante Del Mundo (speaker).
August 20, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Symposium on Various Issues Concerning Migration, Intermarriage and Existing Government Policies and Programs Directed Against Illegal Recruitment, Documentation, Fraud, Trafficking, Etc.
Co-sponsored with the:
Commission on Filipino Overseas
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).
September 8, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Advanced Management Program for Top Public Executives of the City of Muntinlupa.
September 10, 17, 19, 24, 26, 2003.
October 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 24, 29, 2003.
November 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 25, 28.
December 5, 2003. Muntinlupa City Hall, City of Muntinlupa.
– Batas Militar: Ang Laban ng Mag-aaral Sa Sambayanan.
Mr. Primo Amparo (speaker).
September 18, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Role of Student Papers, Student Councils and Student organizations on the University and the Society.
Press conference-cum-contest on Editorial and Features Writing and On-the-spot Painting contest. In celebration of the 21st Foundation Week of UP Manila.
October 23, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–Narrativizing the Trauma, Memorializing the Past.
Co-sponsored with LILA-PILIPINA, and National Historical Institute.
November 15, 2003. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - 2004
– Manila Urban Renewal Second Research Workshop.
Co-sponsored with Vibrametrics, Inc. and College of Arts and Sciences.
November 16, 2004. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila. - 2005
– Bonifacio Salamanca Commemorative Program: Philippine-American Relations Revisited.
Co-sponsored with the Philippine Historical Association.
July 7, 2005. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Public Presentation of MSP Funded Projects
Prof. Ricardo De Ungria, Prof. Grace Odal,
Prof. Marcelino Panganiban and
Prof. Karl Sanchez (speakers).
February 3-4, 1994. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Red Tide Phenomenon in Manila.
Ms. Liberty I. Nolasco(presentor).
July 17, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Kasaysayan ng Quiapo.
Mr. Fernando Rico (presentor).
October 7, 1998. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
–The Conditions and History of Workers’ Struggle in Manila.
Dr. Edberto M. Villegas (presentor).
January 19, 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Origin of Binondo as a Chinese Community.
Prof. Cristina E. Torres (presentor).
February 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Level of Participation and Satisfaction in the Use of YMCA Recreational and Sports Centers in Binondo, Manila.
Prof. Flozerfida L. Linsao (presentor).
February 4, 1999. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Prostitution in Manila.
Prof. Doroteo C. Abaya, Jr. (presentor).
August 10, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Jargon of the Western Police District and Its Implications on the Quality of Law Enforcement in Manila.
Prof. Amante Del Mundo (presentor).
August 10, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Reviewing Migration in the NCR: Issues, Determinants and Imperatives.
Prof. Liberty I. Nolasco (presentor).
September 13, 2001. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– Presentation on the Ranking Of Metro Manila Municipalities.
September 20, 2002. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
– The Spanish Public Health System in the Philippines in the Nineteenth Century: Initiatives, Institutions, Infrastracture.
Dr. Celestina P. Boncan (presentor)
March 16, 2005. College of Arts and Sciences, UP Manila.
Foreign-going Fishermen: A Recruitment and Placement Policy Review and Analysis
Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida
Funded by the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA)
Images of Filipino Overseas Workers: An Inter-Disciplinary Study
Prof. Joseline Naui
Funded by the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA)
Community Empowerment and People’s Banking in Housing Acquisition in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia
Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida and Prof. Roberto E. Reyes
Funded by the ASEAN Canada Fund
Updating, Documentation, Translation and Verification of an Ethnography of Bicol-Balud Culture
Dr. Adela Beringuela
Funded by the National Commission for the Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Laymen’s Publication of the MSP Funded Research “Mutya at Bernardo: Pagbabalik ng mga Diwata”
Prof. Grace Odal
Funded by National Commission for the Culture and the Arts (NCCA)
Ecological Waste Management Pilot Project in Barangay 657, Zone 70, Intramuros, Manila
MSP Inter-university Network
Funded by La Tondeña, Foundation
Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE) in Twenty-Five Years: Impact Evaluation Study (Survey and Case Studies)
Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida and Prof. Cristina E. Torres
Funded by Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE)
Population, Resources, Public Services and Balanced Development in Current Emerging Metropolitan Areas: A Proposed Policy and Action Round Table
Funded by UP-PCPD
Oral History of Selected Muntinlupa Residents Produced for and Presented During the 5th Muntinlupa Foundation Day
Funded by the City Government of Muntinlupa
February 15, 2001 – March 10, 2001
MSP Funded Researches
- 1990
1. Ermita Today: A Demographic and Social Survey
Prof. Laurie S. Ramiro, Fatima A. Castillo, Erle Argonza, Roland Talampas, Elizabeth Bahena, Elisela Vitriolo, and Dr. Josefina G. Tayag
2. Early History of El Arrabal de Hermita
Dr. Sabino G. Padilla, Jr.
3. Ermita : 1942 – 1970
Prof. Esmeralda Perez
4. Ermita, An Artists’ Colony: Focus on the Manila Painters
Prof. Susanah Lily Silvah
5. Americanization of Ermita (No write up)
Prof. Cristina E. Torres - 1991
The Role of Alien Businessmen in Entertainment Establishments in the Ermita Area
Prof. Roberto E. Reyes - 1992
Descriptive-Analytical Study of Three Language Domains in Ermita, Manila
Dr. Praxedes Chua - 1993
1. The Social Transformation of Ermita: The Forces for Change and its Dynamics
Dr. Adela Berenguela and Prof. Susanah Lily Silva
2. Cultural-Humanistic Values Of Doctors in Three Manila Hospitals: Towards a Relevant Continuing Cultural-Humanistic Program in CAS-UP Manila
Prof. Ricardo De Ungria, Dr. Adela Beringuela and Dr. Pacita Gavino
3. Ang Ilog Pasig sa Literatura ng Kamaynilaan: Paglalakbay sa Agos ng Kamalayang Tagalog
Prof. Grace Odal
4. Carbonization of Metals by Discharge Decomposition for Cheaper Machine Tools for Small Scale Industries in Metro Manila
Prof. Karl Charles D. Sanchez
5. Lamayan Street ca. 1850-1930 (A Socio-Cultural History of Sta. Ana, Manila)
Prof. Kristina Subido
6. Physical Fitness: Equipment Inventory and Effectiveness of Physical Fitness Program
Prof. Marcelino Panganiban - 1994
1. Case Study on: Research Collaboration Between Social and Health Scientists on Health Policy Research
Dr. Ma. Lourdes G. Rebullida and Prof. Corazon R. Arboleda
2. Case Study on: Research Collaboration Between Social and Health Scientists on Research on Health Care for Victims of Disaster
Dr. Lourdes Abadingo
3. Case Study on: Research Collaboration Between Social and Health Scientists on Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Prevention Research
Dr. Josefina G. Tayag and Prof. Fatima A. Castillo - 1995
1. State-Of-The-Art Studies on Quiapo (Local History and Socio-Demographic Profile)
Mr. Fernando Rico and Dr. Laurie S. Ramiro
2. Recreational and Sports Consciousness and Practices: Level of Participation in the Use of YMCA Facilities in Binondo, Manila
Prof. Flozerfida Linsao
3. Environmental Ethics: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Teachers and Students in Manila Public and Private High Schools
Prof. Amabelle Abalos
4. The Evolution of Binondo as a Business District: An Economic History
Prof. Cristina E. Torres - 1997
1. The Red Tide Phenomenon: Two Studies
a.) Initiatives Evaluation: Aiming to Alleviate the Socio-Economic Impact of the Red Tide Among The Fisherfolks by Liberty I. Nolasco
b.) Urbanization and the Red Tide Phenomenon in Manila Bay by Mr. Anthony Magsino
2. A Survey of Lifestyles of Metro Manilans: Implications on Health Promotion and Policy Development
Dr. Laurie S. Ramiro
3. Urban Traditional Healers
Prof. Sabino G. Padilla Jr.
4. State-Of-The-Art Studies (Local History and Socio-Demographic Profile of Sta. Cruz, Tondo, Paco and Sta. Ana)
Mr. Fernando Rico - 1998
1. Status of Enforcement of Environmental Laws in Manila and Its Environs
Prof. Raul E. Segovia
2. History and Struggles of Manila Marginalized Sectors: 1898-1998
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan, Prof. Doroteo C. Abaya Jr. and Dr. Edberto M. Villegas
3. Publication of MSP Occasional Papers, MSP Situationers and MSP Research Guide
MSP Staff - 1999
1. Work Conditions and Occupational Health of Workers in Selected Establishment in Metro Manila: Implications to Development Studies and Labor Relations
Prof. Jinky Leilanie Del Prado-Lu - 2000
1. Reviewing Migration in the National Capital Region: Issues, Determinants, and Imperatives
Prof. Liberty I. Nolasco
2. The Jargon of the Western Police District and Its Implications on the Quality of Law Enforcement in Manila
Prof. Amante Del Mundo
3. The National Democratic Movement: A Social Struggle From First Quarter Storm of 1970 to the Present
Prof. Romulo Tuazon
4. Publications and Information Dissemination Program
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan - 2001
A Compendium of Manila Studies
Prof. Bernard Leo M. Karganilla - 2002
A Chapbook on Metro Manila 2002
Prof. Bernard Leo M. Karganilla - 2003
A Metro Manila Chapbook 2003
Prof. Bernard Leo M. Karganilla - 2004
The Spanish Public Health System in the Philippines: Initiatives, Institutions and Infrastructures
Dr. Celestina P. Boncan
1. The Manila Studies Program News Bulletin, Vol. 1 No. 2, February 1992
2. The Manila Studies Program News Bulletin, Vol. 2 No. 2, August 1992
3. MSP Bulletin, Vol. 1 No. 2, September to November 1992
4. The Manila Studies Program News Bulletin, Vol. 1 No. 2, February 1993
5. MSP Newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 1, January to February 1994
6. MSP Newsletter, Issue 3, March 1995
7. MSP Newsletter, Issue 4, September 1995
8. MSP Newsletter, Issue 5, July 1996
1. Towards a Nationalist Pro-Poor Agenda for the Manila Studies Program
Prof. Roland G. Simbulan
2. Social Research for the Development of People: An Alternative Paradigm
Lorna Z. Segovia
3. The Impact of Devaluation and Oil Price Increases on Manila’s Residents and Wage-Workers
Carol J. Almeda
4. Environmental Crisis in Manila and Its Environs
Raul E. Segovia
5. Human Rights Situation in the City of Manila: Retrospect and Prospect
Nymia P. Simbulan
6. Ang Rebolusyong 1896 sa Maynila (Special Edition)
Celestina P. Boncan and Isagani R. Medina
7. Ang Maralitang Tagalungsod sa Kalakhang Maynila
Roland G. Simbulan
8. Ang Kasaysayan ng Quiapo
Fernando Rico
9. Ang Kasaysayan at Pakikibaka ng Uring Manggagawa sa Kamaynilaan
Edberto M. Villegas
10. Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Adult Workers in Metro Manila
Jinky Leilanie del Prado-Lu
11. Development Research as Committed Research
Edberto M. Villegas
12. The Origin of Binondo as a Chinese Community
Cristina E. Torres
13. Sta. Cruz: Isang Sosyo-Demograpikong Kasaysayan
Fernando Rico
14. The CIA in Manila
Roland G. Simbulan
1. Long-Term Policy Issues in the Current Philippine Economic Crisis
Edberto M. Villegas
2. Sustainable Solution to Metro Manila’s Problems of Waste
Raul E. Segovia
3. Environmental and Education: A New Agenda for Manila’s Students and Teachers
Raul E. Segovia
4. Child Labor in Metro Manila Establishments: Occupational Health Policy Recommendation
Jinky Leilanie Del Prado –Lu
1. Social Science in a Neo-Colonial Society (Renato Constantino)
2. Manila in the 21st Century
3. Manila Studies Bibliography: A Research Guide
4. The Manila Studies Program Inaugural Lectures ( Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, January – December 1991)
5. A World War II Chronology (Bernard Leo M. Karganilla)
6. Justice and the Comfort Women (Bernard Leo M. Karganilla – editor)
7. Si Crisanto Evangelista at ang Kilusang Anakpawis ng Maynila (Roland G. Simbulan
1. Regional Studies Network: Samar-Leyte Heritage Center, Cordillera Studies Center, Bicol and Southern Tagalog Studies Center, Mindanao Studies Center, Western Visayas Studies Center
2. MSP Inter-University Network (MSP-CASUPM, Center for Urban Policy Studies and Center for University Extension Services of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, Social Development Research Center and Center for Social Concern and Action-La Sallian University Network for Social Advocacy [COSCA-LUNSAD] of De La Salle University, and Integrated Community Extension Services of Adamson University).
3. Membership in the City of Manila – UP Manila Coordinating Committee on the City of Manila Agenda
4. Linkages with the following for financial and in-kind support to conferences, seminars, round table discussions, projects:
a. Philippine Business for Social Progress (PSBA)
b. Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor
d. Caltex (Phils.), Inc.
e. Philippine Refining Co.
f. San Miguel Corp.
g. Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils., Inc.
h. Caritas Manila
5. ASEAN Canada Fund
6. CAS Foundation
7. La Tondeña Foundation
8. International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL)
10. Lambat Liwanag Network of Centers for Empowering Paradigms
11. Department of Tourism (DOT)
12. National Historical Institute (NHI)
13. Sons and Daughters of the Hunters ROTC, Inc. (SDHRI)
14. Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP)
15. City Government of Muntinlupa
16. Sta. Cruz Parish Council
17. Datu Lapu-Lapu Descendants Association
18. Torres High School Class ’55 Foundation
19. Asian Women Human Rights Council – Manila Office
20. Lola Para sa Kapayapaan at Kumpensasyon (LOLAS)
22. Museo ng Pasig
23. Kampanya para sa Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan (KAMALAYSAYAN)
24. National Economic Protectionism Association (NEPA)
25. DAKILAHI (Filipinos For Life) Network for National Synergy
26. Philippine Society of History Enthusiasts
27. Amado V. Hernandez Resource Center
28. Vibrametrics, Inc