10th International eConference 2021: Crime Scene Investigation on October 30-31, 2021

TO REGISTER: https://www.forensicevents.com/event-detail/Crime-Scene-Investigation_121#eventRegistration
Crime Scene Investigation is always being a very fascinating and interesting topic for all forensic learners. With every new advancement in the investigation technique, the investigator is developing every possible means to detect the story behind the scene of the crime. In this international eConference, the eminent speakers are going to deliver the intellectual topic on defining the connection between the culprit, victim, and scene of the crime.
The participants can share their valuable knowledge by presenting e-poster and paper at our conference which will be scrutinized by our esteemed jury based on their knowledge and presentation skills. The appearances of e-poster and paper would be duly acknowledged and should stay parallel to the theme of the conference i.e. Crime Scene Investigation. The best paper will be published in our Academic Journal of Forensic Sciences and as a token of appreciation, the participants will be awarded with the scientific excellence awards.