TO REGISTER: Crime Scene Investigation is always being a very fascinating and interesting topic for all forensic learners. With every new advancement in the investigation technique, the investigator is developing every possible means to detect the story behind the scene of the crime. In this international eConference, the eminent speakers are going to deliver […]
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11th International eConference: Cyber Security on November 27-28, 2021
TO REGISTER: Cyber Security is principally about range of reduction threat, vulnerability reduction, incident response etc. It is being very crucial concern for everyone to learn the concept of cyber security and with the same motive and concern this international eConference is planned to give an immense knowledge of the all the process related […]
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12th International eConference: Forensic Physics on December 11-12, 2021
TO REGISTER: Forensic involves a multidisciplinary approach of science and other domains, also including physics that take account of the various properties of evidence like glass, soil, and related materials. Though unexplored, it plays a crucial role in the investigation and punishing the offender as not all crime scenes deliver relevant evidence. This forum […]
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9th International eConference 2021: Forensic Chemistry & Toxicology on September 29-30, 2021
TO REGISTER: The application of chemical concepts to solve the crimes and prove in the court of law is where forensic chemistry and toxicology play a substantial role. The fundamentals and application represent the new approach to the study of the application of chemistry and toxicology in forensic science. The International eConference is planned […]
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